Monday, 6 October 2008


Just as PURE LAND EXPEDITIONS was setting up for a new season of trips to India, Nepal, Alaska and Thailand I felt I should share previous trips with you all...but first NOW is the time to let you all know about the presentation on 18th Oct at the North West Paddle Fest about RIDING THE TEARS OF EVEREST. this is the 'live' version of the book about kayaking down Everest... contact our office, for further details

Later blogs will show a sample of our trips and the fun that can be had, from the local people to the kodak image, and dont forget time to relax.... Remember we are not office based desk surfers we are out in the world doing it.

Over this last weekend myself and Paul another of our guides chased the wate rand paddled a lesser classic in Wales but that it another story, as too is the fact that Andrea is running in aid of the Mahabodhi Centre in India..more of that later.


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