When I was just learning and finding my way in the world of white water I would spend many happy hours at the Washburn river in Yorkshire. The River Washburn, a tributary of the Wharfe, and the four large reservoirs of the Washburn Valley, provide the main water supply catchment area for Leeds. Except during water releases, the river joining the reservoirs is normally dry and canoeing impossible. Paddling on the reservoirs and above is strictly prohibited.
On about 30 days in the year, water releases for canoeing purposes are made from Thruscross Reservoir into Fewston Reservoir. Events at Washburn currently include Wednesday evening and weekend cruises, slalom, freestyle and wild water racing. The latest releases are listed on this home page. Active participation by clubs is encouraged by the Washburn Committee.
With all the memories of the early days I was please to venture again to my 'home river'. I spent the weekend chatting with folks and sending out the demo fleet of Pyranha kayaks. Z.ones and Karnali kayaks were the most popular.
Late on Saturday I managed a quick float down the river and have a brief play before it was back to work and talking about boats.
If you have not been on this river - you should its a great facility and should be supported.
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